During many years of astronomical
activities I've owned or tested many astronomical gears. Many of
are still used, and here is a small list of my main instruments.
Moreover in this page you can also find some instruments I do not own,
but I've tested. In particular you can find many photographic lenses and
cameras, tested by a technical point of view, especially for the
astronomical use.
My instruments can be divided in fixed
and portable ones. My Schmidt camera, due to the dimensions and weight
is not portable, while all the other, somehow, are portable under
sky on the mountains. Now my main setup is a TEC 140 with a SBIG STL11000,
on a Gemini G-41, a German equatorial
with an FS2 goto controller. For travel I prefer a japan-made Kenko NES mount with Pentax 75 apo refractor.
300 mm f/2 |
TEC 140
mm f/7 |
Newton 310 mm f/5 |
Newton 200 mm f/6 |
Pentax 75 f/6.7 |
Meade SC 200 mm f/10 |
binuculars |
binuculars |
80 mm f/5 |
Sky trackers comparison and testing |
Avalon M-Zero |
Lens testing
Observing locations