San Martino - 1100m

Nation, region, province
Italy, Lobardia, Varese
WGS84 coordinates
45°55'35" N  8°44'41" E google maps
Heigth 1081 m
Brightness at zenith [mag/arcsec^2] -
Typical limiting magnitude
Max number of amateurs 20

This was my first observing location in the mountains, and here I've imaged comet Hale-Bopp. Situated in Valcuvia, North of Varese. The light pollution is very heavy because of the light of Pianura Padana.

16 march 1997: the parking.

16 march 1997: the church of San Martino and the comet Hale-Bopp.

HTML Editing and Publishing by Lorenzo Comolli. Email me at
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