Bogli - 1350m

Nation, region, province
Italy, Emilia Romagna, Piacenza
WGS84 coordinates
44°38'54" N, 9°12'30" E google maps
Heigth 1350 m
Brightness at zenith [mag/arcsec^2] 21.3 (may 2007)
Typical limiting magnitude
Max number of amateurs 20

This is a very calm place on the Appenninus between Lombardia and Liguria, but it's in Emilia Romagna, province of Piacenza. From Milan go for Genova with the motorway, leave at Arquata Scrivia and ride all the Val Borbera. At Capanne di Cosola turn right and go on farther that the observing field of this place, and follow the notice for Bogli, for about 3 km. The observing grass is inside a hairpin bend, where usually nobody pass all over the night. The advantage respect to Capanne di Cosola is not beeing bewtween two valleys, and so a lot less wind is present.
The sky is very good, and opened on the horizon toward South and East, while toward West and Nord there is a mountain with about 20-25° of heigth. The sky brightness was measured with a Sky Quality Meter, 21.3 mag/arcsec2.

360° panorama. Nord is nearly at left of the camper.

1-2-3-4 may 2008 with some friends (from left) Cristiano, Simone, Chiara, Lorenzo, Ilaria, Giosuè.

The observing grass is inside a hairpin bend.

3 may 2008: the telescopes work during the night. The brightest object is Jupiter.

HTML Editing and Publishing by Lorenzo Comolli. Email me at
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