Canis Minor
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Rosette Nebula

Clickable objects (on the first image):

Back to: The principal star of Canis Minor is the bright Procion, visible at the center of the image. The second and last star of the constellation is Gomeisa, a little more at north-west of Procion. There are no relevant objects in this small constellation, that instead is surrounded by rich constellations. An example is the Monoceros with the Rosette nebula, visible at the right edge of the image.
Technical Data
Optics Photographical objective
Focal Lenght 50 mm
Focal Ratio f/2,8
Exposure Time 8 min exposure
Film Kodak PJ-400
Developement sensibility 400 ISO
Location Piani dell'Avaro (BG, on the Italian Alps) at 1700m
Date and time of exposure start 23 december 2000, 22.30 UT
Mount Meade 8"
Tracking -
Notes Diffusor filter

HTML Editing and Publishing by Lorenzo Comolli. Email me at
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