NGC5128, Centaurus A Galaxy
NGC253, Silver Dollar Galaxy
NGC1097, Fornax Galaxy
Snake dark nebula, B72
Scorpius Tail (IC 4628) - detail
NGC 6334, Cat's Paw Nebula
M8 Lagoon Nebula
47 Tucanae (NGC104) globular cluster
NGC 6752 globular cluster
M22 globular cluster
Witch Head Nebula - IC 2118
Corona Australis Molecular Cloud region
Acrux, NGC 4609 and part of the Coalsack
NGC 1365 and galaxy cluster
M7 and dark nebulas
Sculptor Dwarf Galaxy - PGC 3589
Blanco 1 open cluster
Omega Centauri globular cluster
Comparison of Omega Centauri and M13
The best globular clusters
Antares Nebulae
Eta Carinae Nebula
M8, M20 and Sh2-29 (from Namibia) |
IC 2944 - Running Chicken Nebula
NGC 6188 in Ara
Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC)
Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC)
Cat's Paw Nebula
Scorpius Tail (IC 4628)
VdB 99 and Pi Sco
M6 and LBN 1116
Pipe Nebula
B228, the Dark Wolf
Crux, the Coalsack and Centaurus
The Magellanic Clouds
Gegenschein in Aquarius
Dragon's Head and neighborhoods
Tarantula Nebula (NGC 2070)
NGC 2516, the Diamond cluster
IC2602, Southern Pleiades and Melotte 101 |
IC2391 + NGC2669 Omicron Velorum Cluster |
All-Sky with Gegenschein and Zodiacal Band |
All-Sky with Galactic Center at zenith |
The Galactic Center