Zodiacal light 2

The faint zodiacal light imaged during the moring twilight. It is the fairly bright trail from lower left, starting near the planet Venis (on the horizon) and continuing toward the center, near the planet Jupiter, near Spica in Virgo. At top-left the Bootes constellation. The red profile at left is the camper of the Ghioldi brothers.

Technical Data
Optics Photographical objective
Focal Lenght 16 mm
Focal Ratio f/4
Exposure Time 17 min exposure
Film Kodak E200
Developement sensibility 320 ISO
Location Capanne di Cosola (AL, in the Italian Appennines) at 1500m
Date and time of exposure start 12 december 2004, 5.12 UT
Mount Kenko NES
Tracking -
Temperature and humidity T=+1°C, RH=33%
Notes -

HTML Editing and Publishing by Lorenzo Comolli. Email me at comolli@libero.it.
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