LDN 783 in Vulpecula

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LDN 783 is a dark nebula in front of the rich regions of Milky Way in Vulpecula. The star field is filled with many coloured stars, giving the field a nice appearance.

Technical Data
Optics TEC 140
Focal Length
1011 mm
Focal Ratio f/7.2
Exposure Time Total 2 h 10 min, composed of LRGB 70:20:20:20 min (single exp of 10 min)
CCD SBIG STL-11000M @-30°C
Location Capanne di Cosola (AL, Italian Apennines) at 1500 m height
20 June 2015
Mount Gemini G-41
Tracking Lodestar on an 80mm f/5 refractor
Temperature and humidity T= +8 °C, RH=95 %
Sky brightness at zenith (with SQM-L) 21.1 mag/arcsec^2
Notes Many veils interrupted the imaging session so that only 2 h of total exposure has been gathered.

HTML Editing and Publishing by Lorenzo Comolli. Email me at comolli@libero.it.
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