Snake dark nebula, B72

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The Snake dark nebula is a prominent feature in the brightest parts of the Milky Way, in Ophiucus. This image gathered also a large part of the surroundings, filled with colorful stars.

Note about processing: this image has been processed by Edoardo Radice with PixInsight and then refined by Lorenzo Comolli with Photoshop. Thanks for the collaboration!

Technical data
Optics Takahashi FS152 apo refractor
Focal Length 1216 mm (direct focus, no flattener)
Focal Ratio f/8
Exposure Time 2 h 20 min (14x10 min)
CCD Canon EOS 5D with Baader filter
Sensitivity 800 ISO
Location Tivoli Farm (Namibia) at 1350 m height
29 August 2011
Mount Fornax 51
Tracking SXV-H5 on a Vixen 80/640 apo refractor
Temperature and humidity T= +12°C, RH=36%
Sky brightness at zenith (with SQM-L) 21.9 mag/arcsec^2
Notes This image is a collaborative effort of the Namibia 2011 expedition. Processing: Edoardo Radice and Lorenzo Comolli. Images by: Lorenzo Comolli, Luigi Fontana, Giosuè Ghioldi, Emmanuele Sordini.

HTML Editing and Publishing by Lorenzo Comolli. Email me at
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