M100 in Virgo Cluster

Click on the image for the high res version (100% res and full field) - mouse over for galaxy names

M100 is a wonderful galaxy that is not much appreciated by amateurs because of its proximity to other great galaxies, in the Virgo Cluster. Many other interesting galaxies are in the neighborhoods, some of them are pointed out in the mouse over, and many others are visible in the full field (click on the preview).

Technical Data
Optics TEC 140
Focal Length
1011 mm
Focal Ratio f/7.2
Exposure Time 4 h 40 min (single exp of 10 min), LRGB 130:40:40:70 min
Location Pian dell'Armà (PV, Italian Apennines) at 1350 m height
13 April 2013
Mount Gemini G-41
Tracking Lodestar on an 80mm f/5 refractor
Temperature and humidity T= +4 °C, RH=60-80%
Sky brightness at zenith (with SQM-L) 21.3 mag/arcsec^2
Notes North at top.

HTML Editing and Publishing by Lorenzo Comolli. Email me at comolli@libero.it.
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