Sh2-119 (just East of North America)

Mouse over for the main objects. Click on the image for hires. See also a newer and more detailed image.

Technical Data
Optics Pentax 75
Focal Lenght 500mm
Focal Ratio f/6.7
Exposure Time 4h20min (single exp of 10 min)
CCD Canon EOS 5D with baader filter
Location Colle del Nivolet (AO, Italian Alps) at 2530 m height
17-18 and 19 Jul 2010 (two nights)
Mount Gemini G-41
Tracking ST4 on a 80mm f/5 refractor
Temperature and humidity T=+6 to +2°C, RH=50 to 100%
Sky brightness at zenith (with SQM-L) 21.2 to 21.5 mag/arcsec^2
Notes North America nebula is just East of this field of view. Diffraction spikes with StarSpikes software.

HTML Editing and Publishing by Lorenzo Comolli. Email me at
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