North America Nebula and neighborhood

2000x2000  -  4000x4000
See also a color+Halpha version of the central part

The North American nebula (NGC 7000) is really a wide nebular complex that emit mainly light in the line of hydrogen alpha. That light come from the excitation of the hydrogen atoms, due to the ultraviolet radiation of the many stars present in the field, and maybe also from the close star Deneb (North-West). At west of the North American lies the Pelican nebula (IC 5070), connected to the first with many nebulas. On the South a very interesting reticular of nebulosity (IC 5068) with many streakings crossing in the vertical and horizontal directions.
Superimposed to the central parts of the North American, an open cluster (NGC 6997) and a curious "comma" shaped nebula are present.

Technical Data
Optics Schmidt camera 400/300/615 (Zen optics)
Focal Lenght 615 mm
Focal Ratio f/2,0
Exposure Time Total 29 hours. Mosaic of 6 frames plus the central region. 348 frames of 5 min each.
CCD A camera with Kaf-6303e
Sensor Kaf-6303e class 1
Filters H-alpha 6nm Astronomik, selected for f/2
Chip temperature
-30 °C and -20 °C
Location Tradate (VA, in Pianura Padana, Italy) at 300m height
Date and time of exposure start 9 full nights: 23, 28, 29 june and 4, 5, 6, 7, 17, 18 july 2007
Mount Astrosystems Fork
Tracking Webcam Vesta Pro B/W on a 120mm f/13 refractor
Temperature and humidity T=between 13 and 25 °C, RH=between 40 and 70%
Sky brightness at zenith (with SQM-L) 18.5 - 19.0 mag/arcsec^2
Notes The first attempt to compose a mosaic with the Schmidt camera

HTML Editing and Publishing by Lorenzo Comolli. Email me at
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