
M74 is a face on spiral galaxy, with a low superficial brightness. M74 is in the Piscis constellation, a little more than 1° to the East of Eta Piscium. The spiral arms are rich in H-alpha emission regions, of red colour.

Technical Data
Optics Newton 310mm Maccagnan
Focal Lenght 1560mm
Focal Ratio f/5
Exposure Time and filters LRGB 55:30:35:45 (single exposures of 5 min), total exposure 2h45m
Sensor Kaf-402me grade 2
Chip temperature -34°C
Location Passo Maniva (BS, in Italian Alps) at 2150m
Date and time of exposure start 29 october 2005, 19.25 UT
Mount Gemini G41
Tracking ST4 with Pentax 75 at 1000mm
Temperature and humidity T=3°C, RH=39%

HTML Editing and Publishing by Lorenzo Comolli. Email me at comolli@libero.it.
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