M 76, in
Perseus, is an irregular planetary
nebula. The central star is of magnitude 16.5.
Very pronounced colors, green in the center and red on the borders. The
big lateral ears resembles a small dumbell.
Optics | Newton 310mm
Maccagnan |
Focal Lenght | 1560mm |
Focal Ratio | f/5 |
Exposure Time and filters | LRGB
exposures of 5 min), total exposure 100min |
Sensor | Kaf-402me grade 2 |
Chip temperature | -25°C |
Location | Capanne di Cosola (PV, on Italian Appennines, Italy) at 1500m |
Date and time of exposure start | 28 october 2006, 20.19 UT |
Mount | Gemini G41 |
Tracking | Webcam with
Pentax 75 at 1500mm |
Temperature and humidity | T=+12°C, RH=44% |
Notes |
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