22 may 2007
Lunar occultation of Saturn

by Lorenzo Comolli and Stefano Simonelli

Tradate (VA)
45°42'44,4" N    8°54'26,1" E   305m a.s.l.

Last lunar occultation of Saturn I observed was in november 2001, because of bad weather. This time the weather was very goog and the seeing was mediocre. In this page you can find some movies in real time of the phenomena, both of entrance and exit phases. And also some compositions. Enjoy!


Real time movie of the entrance.
120mm f/13 achro refractor + bar 2x and webcam Vesta Pro at 10fps and 1/10s exp.
(3MB, divx codec required)
Real time movie of the exit.
120mm f/13 achro refractor + bar 2x and webcam Vesta Pro at 10fps and 1/10s exp.
(8MB, divx codec required)

For every comment, comolli@libero.it

HTML Editing and Publishing by Lorenzo Comolli. Email me at comolli@libero.it.
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