Comet 17P/Holmes - 27 Oct 07

This comet is really a unique phenomena, and resembles no other. 17PHolmes is now showing both gas (green external disk) and dust (yellow internal disk).
In the below GIF animation, a 4 hours time interval show internal structures evolutions and expansion. Larson Sekanina 10°.
In the lower graph, a logarithmic photometric profile in the sunward direction show the real dimensions in arcminutes.

Technical Data
Optics Schmidt camera 400/300/615 (Zen optics)
Focal Lenght 615 mm
Focal Ratio f/2,0
Exposure Time Total 22 min. 120 frames of 10 s each.
CCD A camera with Kaf-6303e
Sensor Kaf-6303e class 1
Filters RGB Astronomik
Chip emperature
Location Tradate (VA, in Pianura Padana, Italy) at 300m height
Date and time of exposure start 27 october 2007, RGB 19.32 - 19.47 - 20.02 UT
Mount Astrosystems fork mount
Tracking -
Temperature and humidity T=9°C, RH=90%
Notes Internal coma elaboration with Larson-Sekanina. Stars color alignment to compensate comet motion. Transiting clouds

HTML Editing and Publishing by Lorenzo Comolli. Email me at
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