NGC 55
NGC 55 is a wonderful galaxy, nearly edge-on, but from northern hemisphere skys it's always very low on the horizon. This image was captured with the galaxy only 5° above the horizon. The distance is about 8 l.y. from us.
Technical Data
Optics Pentax 75 apochromatic refractor
Focal Lenght 500 mm
Focal Ratio f/6,7
Exposure Time 20 min
Film Kodak E200
Developement sensibility 320 ISO
Location Capanne di Cosola (AL, on the Appennines, Italy) at 1500m
Date and time of exposure start 25 october 2003, 21.45 UT
Mount Gemini G41
Tracking ST4
Temperature and humidity T=-4°C, RH=44%
Notes -

HTML Editing and Publishing by Lorenzo Comolli. Email me at comolli@libero.it.
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