Vega is the principal star of Lyra, and also the brightest of summer sky. A little at north-est there is Epsilon, famour as the Double-Double, because each component visible in the image is in reality a double star.
Technical Data
Optics Pentax 75 apochromatic refractor
Focal Lenght 500 mm
Focal Ratio f/6,7
Exposure Time 35 min exposure
Film Kodak E200
Developement sensibility 320 ISO
Location Colle del Nivolet (AO, on the Apls, Italy) at 2600m
Date and time of exposure start 18 september 2004, 23.53 UT
Mount Gemini G41
Tracking Webcam VestaPro BN
Temperature and humidity T=+3°C, RH=63%
Notes Diffraction spikes obtained using a pair of laces in front of the objective.

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