Situated 3° ovest of Altair (alpha Aql),
near the star Tarazed (Gamma Aql) visible on the left.
Optics | Pentax 75 apochromatic refractor |
Focal Lenght | 500 mm |
Focal Ratio | f/6,7 |
Exposure Time | 45 min exposure |
Film | Kodak E200 |
Developement sensibility | 320 ISO |
Location | Capanne di Colola (AL, on the Appennines, Italy) at 1500m |
Date and time of exposure start | 20 september 2003, 20.28 UT |
Mount | Gemini G41 |
Tracking | ST-4 |
Temperature and humidity | T=+13°C, RH=77% |
Notes | - |