Antares and M4

Alpha Scorpii have name related to his colour: his name is composed of anti-Ares and mean "antagonist of Mars", another object with a very deep red colour. The region around Antares is very rich of objects, the brightest is the globular cluster M4. North-est of Antares there is also the globular NGC6144. All the region lies in some nebulas, the brighest is on the right, near Sigma Scorpii, and is catalogued as Sh2-9.

Technical Data
Optics Pentax 75 apochromatic refractor
Focal Lenght 500 mm
Focal Ratio f/6,7
Exposure Time 25 min exposure
Film Kodak E200
Developement sensibility 320 ISO
Location Capanne di Cosola (AL, on the Appenninus, Italy) at 1500m
Date and time of exposure start 15 may 2002, 0.19 UT
Mount Gemini G41
Tracking ST4
Temperature and humidity T=+8°C, RH=48%
Notes -

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