NGC 281 - Pacman Nebula

This beautiful nebula is only 1,5° E of Alpha Cas (Shedir). The Pacman name is due to it's caracteristic cocoon shape with a dark nebula in it.

Technical Data
Optics 8" f/10 Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope
Focal Lenght 1260 mm
Focal Ratio f/6,3 (with focal reducer)
Exposure Time
  • without filters: 2 exposures of 15 min
  • with DeepSky filter: 1 exp of 30 min
Film Kodak E200
Developement sensibility 320 ISO
Location Tradate (VA, Italy), at 300m
Date and time of exposure start
  • without filters: 7 december 2001, h 18.48 and 19.05 TU
  • with DeepSky filter: 7 december 2001, h 21.12 TU
Mount Meade 8"
Tracking Pentax 75 guide refractor with ST4
Notes Image realized from the light polluted Pianura Padana.
From the non-filtered exposured I've used the green and blue channels, while from the DeepSky filtered image I've used the red channel.

HTML Editing and Publishing by Lorenzo Comolli. Email me at
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