Scutum Star Cloud (200mm)
This part of Milky Way in the constellation of Scutum seems very bright because of the dark nebulae of the Milky way that envelope it. At the center of the Star Cloud there is the M11 Open Cluster. In this image there are also M26 and NGC 6664, both open clusters.
Technical Data
Optics Photographical objective
Focal Lenght 200 mm
Focal Ratio f/5,6
Exposure Time 15 min exposure
Film Kodak E200
Developement sensibility 200 ISO
Location Pian dell'Armà (PV, on the Appenninus, Italy) at 1400m
Date and time of exposure start 11 september 1999, 21.20 UT
Mount Kenko
Tracking ST4
Notes It was developed at only 200 ISO instead of 640, even if I recommend it to the photo lab...
Digitalized with the Epson Filmscan200 film scanner.

HTML Editing and Publishing by Lorenzo Comolli. Email me at
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